Gauhati Refinery
Stamp Issue Date | : | 01/01/1962 |
Postage Stamp Dinomination | : | 0.15 |
Postal Stamp Serial Number | : | 0449 |
Postal Stamp Name | : | GAUHATI REFINERY |
Stamp Information | : | Oil is the life of modern Industry. It is but natural that in the development plans of the country, exploration and production of oil should receive a high priority. The establishment of the first public sector refinery at Nunmati near Gauhati (Assam) marks an important step in the growth of oil industry in India. Crude oil that is produced from oil wells cannot be readily used. Gasoline, Kerosene, high-speed diesel and light diesel oil, lubricating oil, heavy fuel oil, asphalt and other such products, which the consumer gets, are all derived from the crude mineral oil by a series of refining processes. In fact, crude oil is one of the most versatile minerals known and it is a matter of wonder that so many products of different types are produced from the same basic source. To obtain this variety of products from the crude oil is the job of an oil refinery. The government of India realising the strategic and fundamental role that the petroleum products play in the life of the nation and in conformity with Industrial Policy Resolution of 1956,decided that refineries should be constructed in the public sector. The Indian Refineries Limited was incorporated on August 22, 1958. Owned by the government of India, it has an authorised capital of Rs 30 crores and is for the present entrusted with the construction, operation and maintenance of two refineries - at Gauhati in Assam and Barauni in Bihar. The refinery at Gauhati, which is the first to be set up, has a capacity of processing 0.75 million metric tons of crude oil per annum. When fully commissioned, the refinery will produce 163,700 metric tons of kerosene, 183,500 metric tons of diesel oils, 160,200 metric tons of gasoline, 113,200 metric tons of furnace oil and 109,400 metric tons of other products such as coke, aroma and refinery gases. With the production pattern designed to maximize the production of what are known as middle distillates (kerosene and diesel oil) as compared to light distillates (gasolene) or residuals (furnace oils etc.), the refinery will help to save a lot of foreign exchange which is now spent on importing these deficit products. To set up the refinery, about 4 million cubic meters of earth had to be moved; 1,100 piles were driven at the site; about 13,000 cubic meters of concrete went into construction and about 18,500 tons of equipment had to be shipped from Rumania and carried by stages from Calcutta to Gauhati and then to Nunmati. Nearly 5,000 workers were engaged in the construction of this refinery. The total cost of construction of the refinery is estimated at Rs. 17.7 crores. The plant has been supplied by the Rumanian Government who agreed to give long-term credit of Rs 5.6 crores on an interest of 2.5 per cent repayable in phases. They also designed the refinery and provided technicians for supervision of construction and training Indian personnel. The actual construction was done by Indian Engineers and contractors. Besides bringing prosperity to the region- a number of secondary industries such as a coke calcination unit are already planned - the refinery marks a significant milestone in India's march towards self-efficiency. The issue of a special stamp on the inauguration of the refinery by the Prime Minister, Shri Jawaharlal Nehru on January 1, 1962, will focus public attention on yet another achievement in country's industrial process. The stamp gives a view of the refinery and the inset has a picture of the one-horned rhinoceros, which is symbolic of Assam state where the refinery is located. |
Philatelic Stamp Description | : | Special cancellations : All Philatelic Bureaux and Gauhati Head Post Office. INDIAN POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS DESIGNED AND PRINTED AT THE PHOTO LITHO WING, GOVT OF INDIA PRESS, NEW DELHI - 1. |
Stamp Currency | : | P |
Stamp Type | : | COMMEMORATIVE |
Stamp Language | : | English |
Stamp Overall Size | : | 3.91x2.90 |
Postal Stamp Print Size | : | 3.91x2.90 cms. |
Number of Stamps Per Sheet | : | 35 |
Stamp Perforations | : | 13 x 13 |
Postal Stamp Shape | : | Vertical |
Postage Stamp Paper | : | Watermark All over multiple 'Lion Capital of Ashoka' |
Indian Stamp Process | : | Photogravure. |
Number of stamps printed | : | 2.5 millio |
Stamp Printed At | : | India Security Press |
Indian Stamp's Color | : | Dark Blue |

Bhikaji Cama ( Patriot ) - Birth Centenary
Year: 1962
Date (s) of Issue: 26th January 1962
Occasion : Birth Cent. of Bhikaiji Cama
Watermark: Ashokan
Perforation: 14
Inaugeration of Panchayat Raj System of Local Govt
Year: 1962
Date (s) of Issue: 26th January 1962
Watermark: Ashokan
Perforation: 13 x 13 1/2
Dayanand Saraswati
Known as the founder of Arya Samaj, Dayanand Saraswatiji reminded his countrymen of the egalitarian approach of the Vedas.. He said that the smrutisand puranas misled people into such practices as untouchability, and exploitation of women. He was primarily responsible for reviving the ancient Indian educational system of gurukula, where students from different strata of the society studied together under one guru without class, or caste discrimination.
Saraswati forcefully argued that there was no untouchability in the vedic times and a panchama (the fifth caste) is a much later, imaginary creation. All Aryans were equal, and had to undergo disciplines or samkaras as laid down in the shrutis, like upanayana, which was essential for women also. He propagated these reforms at a time when not even 2% of women in India were educated, and most of North India practiced the purdah (veil) system.
Dayanand Saraswati's greatest measure was to convert people from so called lower castes and non-Hindu religions into the Vedic religion. A purification (shuddhi) ceremony was performed in the presence of enlightened leaders and a congregation (samaj) and the person became an Arya! The person had to take a solemn oath to honor the Vedic values.
This simple, but authoritative -- for Hindus vedas are the highest authority, being known as the shruti or oral revelations; the smrutis or written codes are always of secondary importance -- mode of conversion attracted many Christians, and Muslims whose roots were in Hindu tradition. Many opted to come back to their former religion - incurring the wrath of Christian missionaries and Muslim clergy. It also annoyed Hindu conservatives, who did not want mlechhas into "pure" Hindu fold. So Dayanand Saraswatiji had to face opposition from every front, and led to his death by poisoning.
Ganesh Shankar Vidhyarthi
Stamp Issue Date | : | 25/03/1962 |
Postage Stamp Dinomination | : | 0.15 |
Postal Stamp Serial Number | : | 0453 |
Stamp Information | : | Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi was born in 1890 and met his death in 1931, while trying to pacify a riotous mob. His short life was one constant struggle against oppression and inhumanity. He described himself in these words "I am a fighter against oppression and injustice, whether practiced by bureaucracy, zamindars, capitalists or high caste. I have fought all my life against oppression an inhumanity and may God give me strength to fight on till the last.". Ganesh Shankar was born at Allahabad and his father Shri Jai Narain was a teacher in a middle school in Madhya Pradesh. He was poor but deeply religious and dedicated to high ideals. It was under him that Ganesh Shankar received his early schooling and passed the High School examination privately in 1907. He could not study further due to poverty and became a clerk in the currency office and later a teacher in high school in Kanpur. His real interest, however, was in journalism and public life and he came early under the influence of the nationalist upsurge, which was taking place in the country. He became an agent of the well-known revolutionary Hindi and Urdu journals - Karamyogi and Swarjya and also began to contribute to them. He adopted the penname 'Vidyarthi' - the seeker of knowledge. He attracted the notice of Pt. Mahabir Prasad Dwiwedi, the doyen of Hindi journalism who offered him the job of a sub - editor in his famous literary monthly, "The Saraswati", in 1911. Ganesh Shankar, however, was more interested i current affairs and politics and therefore joined the Hindi weakly "Abhyudaya" a political journal of the time. he thus served his apprenticeship under two of the greatest figures in Hindi literature and journalism. In 1913 Ganesh Shankar came back to Kanpur and launched his career of a crusading journalist and freedom fighter, which was only to end with his death 18 years later. He founded PRATAP, his famous revolutionary weakly, which identified itself with the cause of the oppressed wherever they might be. It was through this paper that he waged his famous fights for the oppressed peasants of Rae Bareli, the workers of the Kanpur mills and the downtrodden people of Indian States. During the course of these fights he had to face numerous prosecutions, pay heavy fines and suffer five prison sentences. He first met Gandhiji in 1916 in Lucknow and threw himself whole-heartedly in the national movement. He took a leading part in the Home Rule Movement of 1917-18 and led the first strike of textile workers in Kanpur. In 1920 he launched the daily edition of PRATAP and it was in this year that he was sentenced to two years rigorous imprisonment for championing the cause of peasants of Rae Bareli. He was released in 1922 and almost immediately sent to jail again, for delivering a "seditious" speech as the President of the Provincial Political Conference at Fatehgarh. He was released in 1924, greatly shattered in health, but he knew no respite and immediately launched himself in the preparation for the Congress Session at Kanpur in 1925. In 1925, when the Congress decided to contest elections of Provincial Legislative Councils and organised the Swaraj Party, Ganesh Shankar won a resounding victory on its behalf, from Kanpur and served as a Member of the U.P. Legislative Council till 1929 when he resigned at the behest of the Congress. In 1929 he was elected the President of the U.P. Congress Committee and was appointed the first 'dictator' to lead the Satyagrah movement in U.P. in 1930, and was arrested and sent to jail again. He was released on March 9, 1931 under the Gandhi-Irwin Pact. While he was about to proceed to Karachi to attend the Congress Session, Kanpur fell into an orgy of communal rioting, Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi threw himself in the midst of furious mobs and saved the life of thousands of innocent persons belonging to both the Hindu and Muslim communities. It was on this mission of mercy that he was butchered to death by a maddened mob. Mahatma Gandhi paid him the following tribute in the pages of 'Young India'. "The death of Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi was one to be envied by us all. His blood is the cement that will ultimately bind the two communities. No pact will bind our hearts. But heroism such as Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi showed is bound in the end to melt the stoniest hearts, melt them into one. The poison has however gone so deep that the blood even of a man so great, so self-sacrificing and so utterly brave as Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi may today not be enough to wash us of it. Let this noble example stimulate us all to similar effort should the occasion arise again." Almost 17 years later, Gandhiji himself offered the supreme sacrifice, for the same noble cause for which Vidyarthi had died. THE POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS DEPARTMENT JOINS THE COUNTRY IN PAYING THE TRIBUTE TO HIS MEMORY BY ISSUING A SPECIAL 15 nP POSTAGE STAMP ON MARCH 25, 1962. |
Philatelic Stamp Description | : | INDIAN POSTS & TELEGRAPHS Designed and printed at THE PHOTOLITHO WING, GOVT. OF INDIA PRESS, NEW DELHI-1. Designed by: Staff artists of the India Security Press. |
Stamp Currency | : | P |
Stamp Type | : | COMMEMORATIVE |
Stamp Language | : | English |
Stamp Overall Size | : | 3.3 x 2.9 |
Postal Stamp Print Size | : | 3.3 x 2.9 cms. |
Number of Stamps Per Sheet | : | 42 |
Stamp Perforations | : | 13,1/2 x 1 |
Postal Stamp Shape | : | Vertical |
Postage Stamp Paper | : | Watermark All over multiple 'Lion Capital of Ashoka' |
Indian Stamp Process | : | Photogravure. |
Number of stamps printed | : | 2.5 millio |
Stamp Printed At | : | India Security Press |
Indian Stamp's Color | : | Brown Madder |

Malaria Eradication
Year: 1962
Date (s) of Issue: 7th April 1962
Occasion : Malaria Eradication Programme
Watermark: Ashokan
Perforation: 13 x 13 1/2
Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Year: 1962
Date: May 13th 1962
Occasion: Retirement of Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Perforation: 13
Watermark: None, Coated paper
Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the first president of Independent India was born in Zeradei, a small village in Bihar on December 3, 1884. After completing his Master of Law examination with honors and winning a gold medal, he went on to complete his Doctorate in Law. In 1917 he joined Mahatma Gandhi in the Champaran Satyagraha. He gave his full support to the Mahatma's constructive programmes to reform society and in his work for humanity. He was recruited by Gandhiji to help in a campaign to improve he conditions for the peasants who were exploited by the British indigo planters. In response to Gandhiji's call of non-cooperation, he gave up his successful practice as a lawyer and started a National College near Patna in 1921. Because of his active participation in the Salt Satyagraha he was sentenced to six months imprisonment.
An active journalist, he wrote for 'Searchlight' in English, founded and edited the Hindi weekly 'Desh' and started his lifelong campaign to establish Hindi as a national language. He was again imprisoned for his active participation in the Quit India Movement in 1942. In 1946 he was sworn in a Minister for food and agriculture in the interim government preceding full independence. From 1946-1949 he presided over the Indian constituent assembly and helped shape the constitution of India. He was unanimously elected as President of republic of India in 1950. As president, Dr. Rajendra Prasad visited many countries on goodwill missions and stressed for peace in a nuclear age. He wrote several books like. 'Satyagraha in Champaran', 'India Divided'. 'Mahatma Gandhi and Bihar', 'Some Reminiscences' and a few more. The Government of India honored him by awarding him the 'Bharat Ratna' in 1962. He chose to spend the last few months of his life at his beloved Sadaqat Ashram in Patna, where he passed away on February 28th 1963.

Ramabai Ranade
Stamp Issue Date | : | 15/08/1962 |
Postage Stamp Dinomination | : | 0.15 |
Postal Stamp Serial Number | : | 0459 |
Postal Stamp Name | : | RAMABAI RANADE |
Stamp Information | : | The Late Smt. Ramabi Ranade - whose birth centenary was celebrated in India on January 25, 1962 - was born in January 1862 in a little village in Satara District near Poona. Her father had not taught her to read and write. Girls' education was a taboo in those days. As a little girl of 11 years she was married to Shri Madhav Govind Ranade, a pioneer in the social reform movement. He devoted all his apparel time to educate her in face of all the opposition of the woman of the house and helped her to become an ideal wife and a worthy helpmate in social and educational reform work. Ramabai made her entry into public life in the 1870s but it was after Justice Ranade's death in 1901 that she wholly identified herself with the cause of women in India. she willingly became a Visitor of the Central Prison and the Lunatic Asylum at Yervada. She regularly visited the prison, prayed with women-prisoners and tried to regenerate their souls. She visited the Lunatic Asylum and attended meetings of its managing committee. She went to see boys in the reformatory school, spoke to them and distributed sweets to them on festive occasions. Ramabai's philanthropic instincts knew no bounds. Not only did she go to visits patience in the local hospitals, distributing fruits, flowers and books, and spoke to them with loving sympathy, but she also went out to Gujarat and Kathiyawar in 1913 to organise relief for the famine-stricken people. Even in the closing years of her life she went to Alandi at the time of Ashadhi and Kartiki fares, with volunteers from the Seva Sadan, to render help to women pilgrims visiting the shrine of Sant Gyaneshwar. In taking up this activity she laid foundations for a new type of social service for women. "In 1904 when R G Bhandarkar, Shri Bhajekar and other leaders of Social reform proposed to organise an All India Women Conference they look to Shrimati Ranade for her co-operation, lead and support. The first session of the conference was held under the presidency of Smt Ranade in December 1904, at Bombay. In 1908 Shri B M Malbari and Shri Dayaram Gidumal thought of starting a Society for founding a home for women and training Indian women to be "sevikas" they turned to Smt Ranade, the president of the first All-India Women Conference for her lead, guidance and help. And thus the Seva Sadan (Bombay) was founded. Next in 1915 the Poona Seva Sadan was registered as a society under her guidance, the society expanded its old educational departments and started new ones. It developed a Women's Training College, three hostels, one of them for Medical students and probationer nurses. In 1924, when Smt. Ranade died, the Poona Seva Sadan was training more than one thousand women in different departments. It was largely owing to Smt. Ranade's initiatives, guidance and exertions that the Seva Sadan found a footing and grew so rapidly inspite of prevailing prejudices. The last two outstanding contribution which Smt. Ranade made were; first the organisation of agitation for extending compulsory and pre-primary education to girls; and secondly organisation of women's suffrage movement in Bombay presidency in 1921-22. The singular position, which Smt. had attend at the close of her life, is brought home to us by Mahatma Gandhi's tribute to her: "The death of Ramabai Ranade is a great national loss. She was the embodiment of all that a Hindu widow could be. She was a true friend and helpmate of her illustrious husband in his lifetime. After his death she chose as her life work one of her husbands activities. Justice Ranade was a reformer and deeply interested in the uplift of Indian womanhood. Ramabi threw herself heart and soil into the Seva Sadan. She concentrated her whole energy upon it. The result is that the Seva Sadan has become an institution without a second of its kind throughout India." The Post and Telegraph Department feels honoured in paying a tribute to this great lady by bringing out a special postage stamp in commemoration of her birth centenary celebrated this year. |
Philatelic Stamp Description | : | Designed by : Staff artist of the India Security Press |
Stamp Currency | : | P |
Stamp Type | : | COMMEMORATIVE |
Stamp Language | : | English |
Stamp Overall Size | : | 3.3 x 2.9 |
Postal Stamp Print Size | : | 3.3 x 2.9 cms. |
Number of Stamps Per Sheet | : | 42 |
Stamp Perforations | : | 13,1/2 x 1 |
Postal Stamp Shape | : | Vertical |
Postage Stamp Paper | : | Watermark All over multiple 'Lion Capital of Ashoka' |
Indian Stamp Process | : | Photogravure |
Number of stamps printed | : | 2.5 millio |
Stamp Printed At | : | India Security Press |
Indian Stamp's Color | : | Red Brown |

Wild Life Week Indian Rhinoceros
Year: 1962
Date (s) of Issue: 1st October 1962 (Rhino) Rest on 7th October 1963
Occasion : Wildlife Week
Watermark: Ashokan
Perforation: 14 (361a-362), 13 x 13 1/2, 13 1/2 x 13
Children's Day Passing the Flag to Youth
Year: 1962
Date (s) of Issue: 14th November 1962
Occasion : Natl. Children's Day
Watermark: Ashokan
Perforation: 13 1/2 x 13
19th International Ophalmology Conference, New Delhi
Year: 1962
Date (s) of Issue: 3rd December 1962
Occasion : Intl. Ophthalmology Conf.
Watermark: Ashokan
Perforation: 13 1/2 x 13
Srinivasa Ramanajan
Year: 1962
Date (s) of Issue: 22nd December 1962
Occasion : 75th Birth Ann. of Srinivasa Ramanujan
Watermark: Ashokan
Perforation: 13 1/2 x 14